Mission & Vision


To promote environmentally sound landscaping practices to preserve biodiversity through the preservation, restoration, and establishment of native plant communities.


To become a widely recognized voice for native plants and the sustainable landscaping movement promoting increased use of native plantings that create living landscapes through grassroots efforts by example, education, marketing, and personalized support.

  • We will raise public awareness regarding the benefits that native plants, including trees, shrubs, wildflowers and grasses, offer in a variety of settings so landscaping with native plants becomes the norm rather than the exception.
  • We will convince the general public that including native plants in home and public landscapes is aesthetically pleasing and healthier for our environment, and that reducing unnecessary turf grass reduces storm-water runoff and unnecessary use of water, fuel, and lawn chemicals.
  • We will see the use of native plants extend into an increasing number of areas where plants touch the soil – applications such as agriculture (pollinator support) and public places.
  • We will join forces with others to preserve native plants and biodiversity from loss due to development and other forces, including displacement by non-native invasive plants.